this week we were supposed to have a BC shoot in juvaas...with ( .but here is no we took the car and drowe 2,5 hour , to BJORLI!!!!
we have 1.5 m fresh pow and it's still snowing..we were filming a cliff and did some cool stuff down that...I have never skied so much pow before and I am really stoked to do fun to jump on small pillows..
just have to say one thing..ARMADA Alpha 1s!!..that ski is so works so good at all feutures..rails, jumps, pow etc...
arrived here yesterday afternoon..have been hanging out with my man at Xtravel, Eric..(
Just met Daniel Rönnbäck, the photographer that will hang out with me and take som DOPE shots!. at 15.30 we have a poster signing at Alpingaraget, there!
stayed at eric's place this night..had an awsome dinner and just chilled in his apartment , and then we went to stadion to look at the jump..
woke up to sunrise over sthlm this morning..stoked..have to do some shit now..l8ter!
I was spoken to a really good photographer erlier this day..he is going to winterjam to hang out and take photos with me..daniel rönnbäck is his is some pics from last king of style! out for him..he is coming up!
Went up to the hill around 10 o’clock to shredd the park, bit the weather wasn’t on our side..the worst flatlight ever , so we couldn’t jump but we haiked a flat rail and just did some funny stuff..
Tomorrow we are leaving to geneve to hang out the last day before we are going back to Lillehammer and Norway,
Things were throwing down today! And henrik did the first ever sw 1620 ever done!..PROPS!
He did sw 14s all day like it’s now ones job!....that was sick..
He also won the whole comp and got 5000CHF ! congrats!
I won my first heat but then it ended the second round against JF Houle he did a sw 10 tail and I did my sw 10 mute, maybe I will put up some clips l8ter that adam falk filmed today, his hurt his foot yesterday so he couldn’t ride today..but he is funny anyway!..hehe
Elvis did some sick sw bio 10s over the big mama, and we took her to the bottom!!
Think big mama need to rest some days now..hehe
My man and Room mate Anders Backe got 2nd place and it was pretty untrue for him standing at the top and looking at henrik stomping the first ever sw 1620..but he killed it today….he beat a sw 10 with a big sw 7 .he got some style man!..
So now is the monsterpark invitational over and tomorrow me are going up to the slope, maybe trying to learn some new tricks before the king of style..the park is not very big but really fun..maybe we are going to film some to..
Now you know how this comp went for everyone..but stay tuned..more to come!
first day at the slope today, and first training day, the jump was pretty good and big but the speed was sooooooo sketchy, one run you overshooting it then next run you ended up undershooting it, but they said they will fix it tomorrow so hopefully it gets better..
the hotel is pretty nice to, and it was fun to meet all the friend here in swiss!
just arrived here in Gstaad, so right now I am chillin with tom-oliver, backe and elvis....just waiting for the dinner and getting stoked for tomorrow..hope it will be EPIC!
got a package from Oakley yesterday, super stoked about that to..greg you are the man!.. so stoked on the O frames.... just a small uppdate hopefully I will put up and videoblog this evening..
so after probably more than a month, I am back in sweden and my home home, älvdalen!..everything is like it used to be a month ago....sick!!
the only thing that's not are that my man henke and his girl carran is back in town after almost a half year on different places on earth..will meet them soon I think,,
and then I will go and watch a hockey game I think..going to me fun..
oooh almost forgott, me and my brother daniel went to the garage and he showed me what he just bought, a fu*king bad ass snowmobile!! dope..can't wait til I'm home but you isn't. hehe there you have it! have to go..