but right now I am in Aspen for the aspen...last week I was so stoked on this....but my foot is fucked up now...so I missed the whole training today, so if im doing it, I will get 30 min of practice on saturday! (hopefully 2 runs) then its game on,,,but what can I do...?just have to rest for a few days and then push down my foot in my boots and just keep it there!!..tight!
super unstoked right now cause 2 days before I came here I got my sw rightsides good and I have a run that im stoked on ..and the course looks sick..b
ut I cant to anything else then wait until saturday morning and see what the deal is...

Got an nice tan while watching the training today to..haha! yeah...
editing my xgames qualification video to, and it will be finished the 15th so stay tuned and check back..
peace love and understanding!!
Could you share your spotify playlist in the blog? it would be awesome =)
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