Sunday, August 30, 2009
big air
that's what's have been up the last days....rail shredding at snowpark is probably the sickes thing right now..super stoked on snowpark right people there and just shredd all day long!..
and yeah!..i got 2nd spot in wintergames NZ big air yesterday..pretty stoked about it !..the worst jump ever in the worst weather ever..but it was fun!..
firt we were thinking about just drop the comp ..but then I was going for just a speed check..and i was waiting for bobby up on top..but he just gave me thumbs up..and i had to go ..and it was fun!..
felt good to do some comps down 8th place in slopestyle and 2nd in big air..pretty stoked..
but now we are here with armada for the yearly teamshoot!..and this is FUN!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
downdays,poker and movies and gym, and sleeping and and and and and

I just came home from the gym..hard to work out the first day for 3 weeks..but I felt good..and I am getting stronger!!yeaaaaah!.
The last three days, we haven’t been skiing..cause of the bad weather that came in..rain, storm and black clouds..
So I think we have been watching around 10 movies the last days..
Yesterday we didn’t have anything to do so we went to queenstown to eat a burger and then we went home again..haha..(about 40 min one way)..and yes we played indoor mini golf..wich was the gayest thing ever
And yeah.we have been playing some poker much fun!
Monday, August 24, 2009
extreme golfing!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
NZ wintergames..

Compday.. today the wintergames slopestyle went down, and it was fun! was two heats + some invited riders..
I came 3rd in my quail heat, with Gus and Jacob in front of me..
the sun came out and it was a great day..I am not 100% happy with my riding but I got some runs done, and got 8th spot in the finals, tom wallisch won with jossi and bobby on 2nd and 3rd place,,
training day..

Today was the training for wintergames slopestyle...the course was small and the speed was wierd but I think it will be okay..first it is a short flat rail( they don’t know if it’s gonna be in the competition or not) then you go straight to two jumps, to a up-down box with a third jump to a big bonk kinda thing..pretty fun!..

Training was going alright but it was super hard to get the right speed, but got some tricks done, and then the worst flatlight ever came in..and everything was just white! we went back down to chill out , relax and take notes and watch the opening ceremony for the NZ wintergames..and just walk around in the city..
late posts
Shredd day!
Today was the pipe competition, so the slopestyle course was open the whole day..the sun was shining and the jumps was was super hard in the landings but no probs..I had an epic day..shredding eith jacob,oscar,PC and dansken..had so much fun, I was working on some tricks on the up box and some sw rightside spins..for the wintergames on Saturday..
The course will be like a flat box with drop off and then 2 jumps(hopefully big) then an uprail to one more jump or something like that..i am super pumped and hope things goes well!..
We also had an epic sess at the skatepark.!..stoked..
Tomorrow we are going up early for a sunrise shoot and the go straight to queenstown for the slopestyle training..yeah!!
Stay tuned..damn I forgot my camera today aswell..sorry..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So NZ freeskiing open slopestyle is done..and dude! was the most insane slopestyle competition ever!...never seen such a high ski level in a slopestyle competition …
Bobby brown 1st, tom wallisch 2nd, henrik harlaut 3rd….
Bobby probably did the sickest dub cork 10 I have seen except for PK’s..

However..the weather was so nice today!...bluebird and super warm…I was shredding rails with tobi..and watched the comp..
So sick!..
Oscar and Jacob also arrived today..yeah!!

taylor and tobi!..taylor tried the sw dub cork 10 in the pipe today..landed on the deck but he was close..soooooooo damn sick!
But dude, relax and take notes..I’m gonna go to the skatpark or the gym..havn’t decided yet..

Talk to you tomorrow!..
I was just shredding rails and pipe with a injured Tobi.. it starts to feel really good I can’t wait to shred for 100% ..and my jetleg is hopefully gone in a couple of days…
Went to the skatepark this afternoon it was super cold but super fun..crashed pretty hard one time..and my hand is still hurting..but no stress homies….
Just a short update today..i am tired..
Mamma och pappa!..allt går vi har bara Internet nere i receptionen så ær inte hær så allt ær fint!.. hehe
Sunday, August 16, 2009
first day of skiing!

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First day of skiing!...
Today we went up to Cardrona ski resort to test out the park..and duude!! It’s so sick here..and everyone are killing it! , myself and I took it easy today just to warm up since last time I was skiing was to months ago…did some 3’s and 5’s just to get the feeling back. And I met PC fosse and dansken here aswell so I was shredding with PC for a while and he was koilling it , he did some kangis with shifty and I think he will have a sick run for the competition tomorrow!...the park looks pretty good !..right?
first it was a bit foggy but then ..we came up above the clouds! BLUBIRD YEAH!
.it took maybe 15 runs or something today cause I couldn’t ski anymore , I was so damn jetlegged and I were about to fall asleep in the inrun so it was so sketchy to ride for a a called it the day and me and Fabian went back home again after a chicken burger at the mountain..
Tomorrow is the NZ freeskiing open..I’m not in the competition..and I am sure that’s the best cause I need to get rid of my jetlegged first..! but dude it will be sick I will be up there shredding some rails and jibs tomorrow!..I think it will be a sick competiton fo shaw!.so I will update about the competition tomorrow!..
No I will go to the skatepark!..yeah!
nice view!
L8er sk8ers.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Iron Lion in Zion!

JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Finally I arrived in Wanaka, NZ,,...after 56 hours of traveling. I made it !!
First when I got here I didn’t have any numbers to anyone of the guys I am stayin with and didn’t know were to go..
But I found out that GRACE knew Luke nutting and Luke nutting knows bobby so grace got the number to bobby from Luke and I tried to call him but nono..after talking with grace for about 5 minutes my phone was empty for money!..damn!..I refilled it 3 days ago..but whatever….I couldn’t call bobby..but I met graces brother charles in Wanaka and we went for a lunch then we went into a store to see if they knew the way to plantation road were I am we went here and I took a chans and I found their room!!! (Armada clothes hanging out the window)......but whatever alots of names and a lots of shi*..but…
I AM FINALLY HERE!! Yeah!!!!!!!!
And tomorrow we will be shredding cardrona snowpark!..excited!...
Forgot my camera in the room so I won’t post any pics from Wanaka today..cand we don’t have internet in the room , just in the reception..
Have to do some school work now!.solly.
Stay tuned for more updates, pics , videos, etc!....yeah!
one more flight!
it's a looooooooooooong trip but defenatly worth it!...
on the road to zion!
the trip have been pretty sweet untill hopefully i will make it the whole way!..
so keep you updated on this blog for more action!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
on my way and eating burgers!

yeah ,so today I started this years NZ trip!...but right now I am sitting here in london at the biggest airport I have ever been to..but whatever. internet, facebook , movies and delicious burgers will help me threw this marathon layover here for about 16 hours..not to stoked but whatever in 2 days I will be in wanaka and ski!!!!!
and I just find out that I also have a sweet layover in melbourne tomorrow for about 12 hours! wihoo!...
have had summer vacation on this blog but now the winter is on and you will hear and see more from me than check it out for updates and edits!
stay tuned! yeah!
och för alla svenskar och norskar så har jag massa saker att sälja också så lämna en kommentar så hör jag av mig..
Monday, August 10, 2009
trailer time!
and better late then never! is our trailer for secondhands movie: Hands Up!
Hands Up Trailer from Secondhands on Vimeo.